beneath him|beneath one in English

more inferior than suits him, less respectable than him

Use "beneath him|beneath one" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "beneath him|beneath one" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "beneath him|beneath one", or refer to the context using the word "beneath him|beneath one" in the English Dictionary.

1. It is beneath him to cheat.

2. Two eyes glared at him beneath the mask.

3. One by one. Like bugs beneath his heel.

4. Beneath the cynicism, beneath the irony, however, turmoil.

5. My body was arching and bucking uncontrollably beneath him.

6. He surveyed the scene of utter devastation beneath him.

7. Beneath him, shielded by his body, lay a baby.

8. Beneath is a preposition or an adverb. Beneath: meaning and use Beneath means ‘at a lower level than’. Beneath is most common in formal writing.

9. A police dog had found him beneath a nearby house.

10. 16 My body was arching and bucking uncontrollably beneath him.

11. 3 The Lift spun beneath him like a sickening carousel ride.

12. CM 41597 It is Beneath him to say such a thing

13. The lecturer looked down at the sea of faces beneath him.

14. Beneath the ground.

15. Swift 49825 It is Beneath him to do something like that

16. He's got him in an underground tunnel beneath Tirana, Mossi's club.

17. He roused himself from his lazy contemplation of the scene beneath him.

18. It's beneath any general.

19. You serve beneath me.

20. The foliage beneath the...

21. What does Beneath mean? The definition of Beneath is lower than or covered by

22. Carlos pretended to be his friend, but secretly believed Juan was Beneath him

23. The wedding, beneath the June roses, was a simple, homey one.

24. They sheltered beneath their umbrellas.

25. He sheltered beneath his umbrella.